Tuesday, May 18, 2010

District Conference - São Lourenço

The district conference was May 14th - 16th for us. On Saturday morning, we did our presentation and I believe some of our audience was truly in awe that the presentation was in portuguese. This was one of those warm and fuzzy moments because I believe we, Americans, are often portrayed as being lazy and unwilling to embrace another culture. Well, Saturday night we sure embraced the culture at the Fantasy Ball (a masquerade ball) where we got to see the creative and fun side of the Rotarians here in Brazil. Above is a picture of our host parents from Caraguatatuba. Rotarians came from all cities in the district to participate in the conference and we were happy to see our previous host families just one more time as well as meet some of our new families. I will let another team member tell you about our visit yesterday and today. Tchau!


1 comment:

  1. Adorei o blog e a visita de vocês a nosso clube.
    Visite nosso Blog, tem cada foto de vocês.


    RC Caraguatatuba
