Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Miracle in the Park

Yesterday after we met the mayor os Sao Jose dos Campos, (yes we met the mayor!) we had some free time so we went to the park. Laura, the daughter of our of our host families, served as our tour guide and driver. Thank you Laura, we owe you big!

At the park we walked, did some chin ups on the pull up bars, played in the sand, played on the swings and did sit ups on the sit up bench. It was a much needed relaxation period. So we´re going to leave and someone says something about a phone and I realize that mine is not in my pocket. Mild panic.

We look back thru the park while we walk to the car because Candace said something about seeing a phone on the seat. We get to the car and search. No phone. Increased panic.

Then we walk back thru the park retracing out steps. On on our way back to the car for the final time and I say, ok God I need a miracle, like now. No lie, we walk back up to the sit up bench and I look down and when I look up and an older gentleman hands me my phone. Score one for God coming thru!!!!

So now what was about to turn into a drink of frustration became a drink of celebration. Whew! Things not to do in a foreign country: #1 lose your phone! Happy ending, yay! On to Cataguatatuba!

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